Saturday, August 3, 2013

Erfurt, We Meet Again (June 17th)

Returning to the Vaterland! We left Salzburg, and after 5-hours of driving on the autobahn, I arrived in Erfurt once again. I spent a night and part of a day in Erfurt. Since the choir had ran late the day we arrived in Erfurt, I had very little time to really see Erfurt. Now I can finally revisit some of the places that I had seen, and explore much more of the city. I really like Erfurt. It has a university, the town is gorgeous, and there are lots of young people, probably as a result of the University. I could see myself going to school here or living here for a time, depending on whether or not Erfurt has my degree that I seek.

We rented an apartment as opposed to a hotel room. Our apartment is within walking distance of the center of Erfurt, but far enough from the center to be quiet. But it was not quite what we were expecting. When we arrived, we discovered a construction site across from the apartment, and we were on the main level. My parents found out the next morning that they start construction around 8 or 9 in the morning. The apartment itself was quite nice. It had a decent living room with a big couch with a 4 person table, a galley-style kitchen, a big bathroom, and two bed rooms. The only discomfort that we had was no AC. It had not been a problem until today. Today it was hot hot hot. The windows that we did have in the apartment did not allow for cross ventilation or even a breeze for that matter. So to say the least it would be quite warm for the next few days in our room. 

After getting settled we walked into town along the small creek. We walked by dorms of the university, a few parks, and through a big part of the city. Martina and I showed our parents Predigerkirche, the church where both of us had performed with Bethel Choir. The church was closed, but we could see inside. We then walked around the Luther Cloisters, but we could not see anything because there was an event going on. After that we walked to Dome Platz. The stairs leading up to the main church were closed due to them inserting bleachers for Opera in the Platz in the coming weeks. We got dinner at a local pub in the square. Martina and I escorted our parents back to the apartment before we walked back into town.

Martina and I walked around where ever we wanted. We got ice cream and just walked. We also got a kebab which was delicous. We ate them in a urban park. The park had in-ground trampolines. I have never seen that before, but I thought it was sweet. We ended up in the newer part of the city. We also discovered that we were as far as we could be from our apartment, and it was getting late. We hopped onto a train and started to relax, but then we quickly jumped off when we realized we were going the wrong way. We eventually got onto the right train and we rode it close to where our apartment was. We walked through a sketchy dark parking lot apartment complex. We made it back safe to sit in the stagnate apartment. That night was really warm.  But it is what it is. 

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