Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Burg Eltz to Wiesbaden (June 22nd)

Today is the day that we all have been looking forward to, and in particular my mother. Today I got to meet my german family. My mom has not seen this part of her family for around 30 years. Her cousins were only kids and teenagers when she last saw them. Now they have greying hair. To make sure that we would look our best, we arrived in Wiesbaden early to get ready. But we were not staying in Wiesbaden but rather in Ruddesheim.

But before that we went to the beautiful castle Burg Eltz. Burg Eltz is a lovely castle that is nestled in a valley. The castle itself is actually a conglomerate of 4 to 5 castles. It started as a family home, and as each son grew up, they added to the castle. This castle is not by any means a fortress. For one thing it is in the center of a valley instead of on a high peak. Secondly the castle has no defensive features and lots of windows. I could tell simply by looking at it that this was a wealthy mans home and not a fortress.

Martina and I walked down to the castle. It was a decent hike down. Going up would be a slight challenge because of the steep incline at times. When we got to the castle, we went on a tour. Our tour guide was a lovely high school student. She did quite well for an English tour. She had a hard time understanding some questions. I assume she knew the tour in English and that was about it. Regardless she was informative and very careful to speak. We went through an armory, chapel, and other various rooms. The main bed chamber has images hidden in the wall paper otherwise known as phallic symbols. So that room was where all of the babies were made. After the tour I went into the treasury. There were various treasures. Some of the things in there appealed to my nature more than my mothers.

Burg Eltz
Nestled in the Valley

Burg Eltz through some foliage

After Burg Eltz we made our way to our hotel in Ruddesheim. Our hotel was in the country on the large hill. We were renting an entire house with two bed rooms, a full kitchen, two living rooms, a huge bathroom, and a large deck. We were all impressed with our accommodations. They were quite nice. This would be our home for the next few days, and our last home before returning to our true home back in the states. My parents were so in love with the house that they thought about buying it and living there for longer.  I could see them really enjoying being in the country.

Then off we went to Wiesbaden and Sonnenburg. When we arrived, there were smiles and tears from my mother and Onkle Gerhardt and family. Right away I met for the first time Onkle Gerhardt and Tante Crystal. Gerhardt is my Oma's brother. Gerhardt and Crystal had 3 sons named Matthias, Andreas, and Thomas. These were my mother's cousins and my second cousins. I have met Matthias and his family a few years back in Wisconsin when they came to visit. Every new person that showed up, my mother started crying again. She spoke to the family in full German. I was impressed. She was able to pick up on all of the jokes. Gerhardt is a funny guy, I just didn't understand the jokes. Gerhardt has a big low bass voice, and he likes to laugh "hoh hoh hohhhh!" I loved it.

Gerhardt lives in the same house that he and my Oma grew up in. He lives on the bottom two floors and his son Andreas lives on the floor above with his family. Matthias lives only a short walk away.  Matthias and Thomas speak probably the best English besides for their children. So I could talk to them, but there were still some things that I said that they did not understand. Gerhardt I think can understand some of what I said, but I relied on my mother to translate for him and to translate what he said to me. I could tell when the family was talking about me and I had a good idea about what, but what exactly was said I did not know.

The family home

Gerhardt grilled up some tasty sausages and these bacon wrapped things. I think they were bacon wrapped dates but I could be wrong. We all ate pretty heartily and talked until it got dark. Everyone was really nice. If I end up studying in Germany, it is good to know that there is family that I could go to when my family will be so far away. I showed pictures to Gerhardt and family of my voice recital. Gerhardt and Matthias have sung in their local choir for a long time and they love music. I think they were impressed with all that I have done with choir and voice. Besides my immediate family, no one on my dad's side of the family, and most on my mom's side of the family have a real appreciation for classical and choral music. In fact, my recital was the first time that my Oma and Opa had heard me sing ever, except for one concert years before. I found that connection with Gerhardt. I guess I know where my love of music comes from. 

Left to Right: Martina, Mom, Dad, Onkle Alfred, ____, and Me

Alfred was married to my Oma's first daughter, and her name was Marion. My mom grew up with Marion and they were like sisters. Alfred therefore has a special place in our hearts. He also started the store Sir Oliver (S. Oliver) in Europe. It is now a major chain in Germany. It is similar to an H&M but better in my opinion. 
Tante Honey, Me and my Mom. Tante Honey was really excited to see my mom. She was not sure if she would ever see Diana (mom) again. This was somebody that my mom really wanted to see on this trip to Germany. 
The family with Tante Honey
My dad with Matthias. He is the one that I met years ago in Wisconsin. 
My mom, Tante Honey, and Thomas
All through the night the beer flowed and conversations became easier. It was late by the time we realized what the time actually was. We said our goodbyes to some of the family as they would not be able to make it any other time of the week. We would return tomorrow to be shown around Wiesbaden by Matthias, Thomas, Andreas, and crew.

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